Cin Tykan (6)Full unit name: Tykan, Cin
Last updated: 23.06.2024 18:47:58
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Kaleesh
Sentient Species
Gender: Male
Known Facts (22)
Taris Resettlement Initiative (2) »
The Expedition (prologue) (4) »
The Junction (4) »
  • Held a rank of Jedi Master in Jedi Order
  • Used L3 Lightsaber
  • Was controlled by Parkanas with The Dark Plague
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Security Chief
    Welcome to the Junction, Jedi. Sorry, we, uh, didn't have time to clean up. I'm hearing some funny rumors from my guys, about Master Tykan. That why you're here?
    Quietly. Is there a way to get your crew out of this building quickly?
    Security Chief
    Could run a fire drill, I guess. Look, what's going on here?
    Tykan attacked a research party, and made threats against the Junction.
    Security Chief
    Are you serious? Why would he do that?
    Cin Tykan
    Here you are. Hiding in tunnels? Hah! I see your eyes shining! They... stop whispering! I am a Jedi! I am! This changes nothing! Such a dark planet, rock spires like fingers, black rock that- wait! The darkness flows from them! It must!
    Master Tykan? Can you hear me? I've come to heal you of this sickness. Come down and we'll find out together.
    Cin Tykan
    Heal? Or... hurt? I see the lies in you! Like in the dark place long ago. There was a place where things ended. A dark place of endings. I watched once, in the dark place... Malachor was dark, then bright. I watch his eyes as we run. As Parkanas falls alone.
    Parkanas, again. Tell me about Parkanas, Master Tykan. What do you remember?
    Cin Tykan
    Stop it! Stop it! My friend- no, I won't go back there! I'll stop all of you! And your Junction - hoarding poisons like a leech. Yes! I'll free the gasses you've stolen. And the shadows from underground. Your Junction will be dust around you!
    What would Aris say if she saw you like this, Master Tykan?
    Cin Tykan
    One was very bright. Yuon? Sidonie? No, that's wrong.
    Cin Tykan
    What will the Jedi do while the gas builds, hmm? Will it save the workers before they choke and die? But the gas will corrode the Junction, too. How many will die without it to cleanse the planet? Thousands? How many do you want to kill?
  • JSC, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
Rakghoul Invasion (4) »
Super Reactor (8) »
  • Held a rank of Jedi Master in Jedi Order
  • Used L3 Lightsaber
  • Was controlled by Parkanas with The Dark Plague
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Cin Tykan
    Too late, Jedi. You wandered too long, too long. But now the reactor will bathe Taris in fire. No black rock. No shadow. The Republic will not spread it! I can cleanse it here, cauterize the flow!
    Think, Master Tykan. You're killing the planet you've been trying to save.
    Cin Tykan
    No, fool! No! Weren't you listening? Lord Vivicar promised to guide me. He spoke to the heart of me! Lord Vivicar understands!
    Destroy that reactor, and everyone you've tried to help on Taris will die. Including your Padawan.
    Cin Tykan
    My Padawan... my- Lord Vivicar commanded it!
    Who is this "Lord Vivicar"? Why are you taking orders from him?
    Cin Tykan
    He is- he commands me. I- I can't-
    Is... Lord Vivicar in the room with us now, Master Tykan?
    Cin Tykan
    He is here. And everywhere. He is- he-
    Aris Vauranelle
    It's alright, Master. I'm here to help you, remember? Master Tykan explained everything. I see the beauty in Taris that the Republic destroyed. His work must continue to save Taris. And we will be together.
    You know this is wrong. Aris, would a sane Master ask you to hurt innocent people?
    Aris Vauranelle
    I- I know this isn't pleasant, but it's necessary.
    My Master suffered too. Believe me, Aris, I understand how this hurts. But your loyalty is blinding you.
    Aris Vauranelle
    You couldn't understand. Master Tykan has- has shown me the truth.
    Then explain all this to me. You would devastate an entire planet, just on Tykan's say-so?
    Aris Vauranelle
    I- I only want the Republic to- no. No. Master, we should find another way.
    Look at him. Your Master needs help. The Force has given me the ability to heal him.
    Aris Vauranelle
    But he- Master, perhaps she's right. Perhaps we should reconsider. I don't- what if we just listen to them for a minute, Master, think this over again?
    Cin Tykan
    What's this? Such brightness in her, and she dares strike against me?
    Aris Vauranelle
    Never. I will not fight you, Master Tykan, but... you're ill. Let us help you.
    It's not too late. Step away from the reactor, and I'll take care of the rest.
    Cin Tykan
    They all turn against me! You brought this darkness here! The purification of Taris will begin with you!
  • Qyzen Fess, Barsen'thor, Aris Vauranelle
  • Was defeated by Barsen'thor's Followers
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Cin Tykan
    Such strength... we were strong once. The weak perish on Taris. I- no! No, please! The darkness comes to swallow me whole!
    Close your eyes. When you open them, this nightmare will be over.
    Cin Tykan
  • Barsen'thor
  • Was given treatment from The Dark Plague by Barsen'thor
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Cin Tykan
    The darkness... is gone! I am myself again. You've saved me. At great cost to yourself, I can feel it. I am truly sorry.
    The shielding technique is a strain, but it was the only way to save you.
    Cin Tykan
    I owe you a debt I can never repay.
    While you were ill, you mentioned a "Lord Vivicar." Do you remember?
    Cin Tykan
    No. I recall the name, but not what it means. I'm sorry.
    I will go before the Republic and admit my guilt. Purge myself of this shame. I harmed so many, and almost destroyed my Padawan. I'm not fit to be a Jedi Master.
    We gain strength through adversity. Enduring the plague will make you stronger.
    Aris Vauranelle
    And you can pass on that strength to others, Master. And I can give you all the help you need.
    Cin Tykan
    I must report to Master Syo Bakarn and the Council. There's much to be done. I'm sure Captain Nelex will want to know you are safe. Thank you, again. I... still can't believe the sacrifice you made for me. I only hope your burden does not become too great.
    Aris Vauranelle
    Thank you for sparing Master Tykan. I doubt Captain Nelex would have been so forgiving. The Republic won't understand. When Master Tykan turns himself in... they'll never forgive him for this.
    Master Tykan has to accept the consequences of his actions.
    Aris Vauranelle
    Yes, he taught me that, and now he must live up to it. Whatever happens, you gave him the chance to atone and continue his work. Maybe one day, Taris will be beautiful again. Thank you.
  • Qyzen Fess, Barsen'thor, Aris Vauranelle
Cin Tykan was a male Kaleesh
Sentient Species
Jedi Master
Jedi Master
who lived during the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
He had expert survival skills that allowed him to thrive in the deadliest and most dangerous environments. Master Tykan applied his unique talents to use throughout the galaxy, exploring and studying dozens of ravaged worlds and finding ways to reverse the catastrophic damage to their ecosystems.
Devoted to his work, Master Tykan waited many years before taking on a Padawan
Jedi Padawan
. Unwilling to pass on his knowledge to one who didn't share his deep-felt compassion for nature and life in all its forms, he finally found a worthy student in the eager and earnest Aris Vauranelle
Aris Vauranelle
Minor Characters (TOR)
. Together, they joined one of the galaxy's greatest environmental challenges - the restoration
Taris Resettlement Initiative
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
of Taris
During his training of Vauranelle on Taris, Tykan became infected by a terrible illness caused by Lord Vivicar
Supporting Characters
's plague
The Dark Plague
Viruses, poisons, diseases and bioweapons
. The illness drove him insane as his mind came under the sway of the dark side, leading Tykan to commit acts of sabotage against Republic restoration efforts. While Captain
Minor Characters (TOR)
and his Padawan refused to believe that Tykan was sick, a young Jedi Consular
Major Characters
arrived from Coruscant to hunt down Tykan and cure him if possible. Tracking him
The Expedition
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
and a team of researchers, the Jedi Consular found Tykan's research team in peril. After discovering precious Jedi medical holocrons, Tykan's psychosis set in and he had lured his colleagues into the ruins and set a fire in a pocket of gas leechate. When the Consular arrived, Tykan had fled, but surviving workers were safely retrieved and revealed Tykan's next target: the Junction.
Traveling to the Junction, a gas purification facility nearby, the Jedi Consular found
The Junction
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Tykan but was unable to prevent him from severing the facility's main gas line. Forcing an evacuation, the Consular defended the work crews from rakghouls
allowed in by Tykan while they resealed the damaged equipment. Having distracted his pursuer, Tykan circled round back to the base of the Republic Expeditionary Force
Taris Expeditionary Forces
(Republic Army)
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
using rakghoul tunnels and launched a surprise attack
Rakghoul Invasion
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on Captain Nelex's forces. Abducting his Padawan, Tykan forced his way through the base and holed himself up with one of the city's last working super-reactor. Planning to destroy the reactor and release its toxic sludge into the fragile ecosystem, Tykan was able to convince his Padawan of the Republic's involvement in corrupting the planet. When the Jedi Consular tracked him down
Super Reactor
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
, Vauranelle stood to defend him until the Consular convinced her of Master Tykan's illness. Furious at the perceived betrayal, Tykan lashed out at his Padawan but was quickly subdued by the Jedi Consular and Qyzen Fess
Qyzen Fess
Supporting Characters
. After the Consular conducted a shielding ritual to release him from the Dark Plague, Tykan vowed to reveal his shame to the Republic and seek guidance from the Jedi Council
Jedi Council
Jedi Order
back on Tython
. Departing Taris with Vauranelle, the pair made for Tython for reflection and rehabilitation.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Jedi Order
Jedi Master
Known weaponry & equipment
L3 Lightsaber
All characters this character met
Show all (2)DetailsThe JunctionSuper Reactor
Qyzen Fess
Show all (2)DetailsThe JunctionSuper Reactor
The Expedition (prologue)
The Expedition (prologue)
The Expedition (prologue)
The Junction
The Expedition (prologue)
The Expedition (prologue)
The Expedition (prologue)
Aris Vauranelle
Show all (4)DetailsTaris Resettlement InitiativeThe ExpeditionRakghoul InvasionSuper Reactor
The Expedition (prologue)
Known apprentices
Aris Vauranelle
Show all (4)DetailsTaris Resettlement InitiativeThe ExpeditionRakghoul InvasionSuper Reactor
Those who have ever had mind control over this character
Show all (4)DetailsThe Expedition (prologue)The JunctionRakghoul InvasionSuper Reactor
Complete list

Full unit name: Tykan, Cin Last updated: 23.06.2024 18:47:58